Про покет и фичи
Оригинал в ЖЖ: http://withoutbrains.livejournal.com/88266.html
В качестве readitlater сервиса я использую Покет, с остальными не задалось.
В конце января я написал им письмо. Добавьте, говорю, возможность помечать кусочки статей и потом их куда-нибудь сохранять.
Hello, the Pocket team!
Thanks for your product, I use it every day.
I have a product feature idea, I want to share with you.
During article reading I often wish to mark (highlight) some part of article, some important or unusual parts, or maybe some parts to do in future (maybe book title, I want to read). The highlight can for the same way it works in iBooks, when I read e-books.The next things, I could do with the highlighted articles:
— save whole article to Evernote with the text marked.
— share marked parts to a friend by email (with the link to full article).
— it would be great to to be able to see all marked articles in the pocket using some kind of filter (as favourites, for example, or as the new “best of” feature). There can be “Marked articles” in the left navigation bar, showing the list of articles with marks.—
Best regards,
И вот сегодня Инстапейпер анонсировал выделение текста: http://blog.instapaper.com/post/85125160146